Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Technology Can Ruin Relationships Family?

A variety of gadgets and electronic devices may facilitate the work and support your career. However, be careful if electronic equipment is already beginning to affect close family ties, good with children and couples. Get rid of cell phones, laptops, smartphones, or any other gadgets that make you not connected directly to the spouse and family members.

Technology can be a threat to the relationship if not used wisely. This is what happens to couples "Rhonda and Steve", with his two sons in America. Oprah Winfrey Show picked up the couple and family relationship problems is by presenting Peter Walsh, organization expert, educator, and motivator, to restore healthy relationships within the family.

Steve and Rhonda busy with their routine activities, from morning until night. Rhonda got up at dawn to go to the gym, while Steve was still a sleep, as well as her two children. Soon, Steve got up and went straight to the computer to check e-mail. Blake, Rhonda teenage son from a previous marriage, so wake up also directly check the phone, receiving and sending SMS with his friends. While Drake, a five-year results of Rhonda and Steve's wedding, moving passively in front of his television or games device.

This routine may be similar to that you experience at home. Husband and wife busy with their respective communication tools, and neglected children with their respective activity. Finally, parents are not connected with the child, as well as married couples. They save a problem that could not be discussed because it did not used to communicating in real sense.

"The kitchen was caring for the family. Various activities can be done with the whole family in the kitchen with cooking or preparing meals together. At that time the whole family needs to stay away from television or other electronic device to connect," said Walsh in a show on Oprah Winfrey Show Metro TV (Indonesia), Saturday (12/03/2011).

Many things can be done jointly by the family to take care of family relationships and the attachment member. Such as preparing breakfast together, cleaning house, washing clothes, dinner, or creates weekly activities to spend time with the whole family. This activity began to be ignored and forgotten because each family member is busy with his gadget.

"However, children need their parents to control them. So do not let them control of himself with various electronic devices. The child with a television remote that can make them do whatever they pleased. Even couples also need to communicate. Begin this by starting a conversation together," Walsh is clear.

Walsh took over this family by seizing all electronic devices, even though the oven. Because in fact, the dependence of the electronic device is sever the relationship Steve and his wife. Steve even confessed to Walsh that he was not getting enough attention and love. Likewise with Rhonda who feel guilty and worried about its relationship will end in divorce.

"It's about communication in relationships. If it's been like this couple should talk to each other about the basic foundation of the relationship. Start by saying 'I love you', then talk about what is feared or a variety of things to talk about," advises Walsh.

The couple also have to take off all electronic devices and more frequent design time together. Perform both a date once a week, or once a month to create unity with the whole family.

"Spending time together once a month is more significant than the two-week family vacation once a year," he continued. The key, you need to design activities that unite the family as a whole, without gadgets or high-tech electronic equipment, because it proved direct communication healthy family life.

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